This Fickle Thing We Call Spring

Yesterday, wow, what a warm, bright and beautiful day!

Today, we’re back to winter temps…I realized that when I stepped outside in my bathrobe, thinking I’d hurry and put the horses blankets away for a while.  The temperature was so cold I had to don real clothes, coat, hat and even some gloves.

I’m waiting on babies.  My daughter was due yesterday, and so was our Miley.  Miley doesn’t even have any sort of udder yet, although she’s loose and goosey in all the right places.

I’ve got enough milk now to make cream, but I sheared the moisture guard off the separator and had to order a new one.  They promised it would be here early this week.  Had planned to make ice cream to celebrate all this warm weather!

At least we’ve got eggs, but I doubt that egg cream would be very tasty.  So, I won’t try it.

I planted some grass in the yard yesterday and need to get the rest of the rye grass over-seeded on the pasture.  I got a little bag of crimson clover too I’m hoping will come up and make good goat grazing.  I didn’t buy a lot of it.  I hate planting clover in horse pastures because it makes them slobber so much.

I also have strawberries waiting to go in the ground, jewel weed seeds, marion berries and about 1000 more seeds and plants that would just love to get their roots in some warm ground.  Luckily, we’ve got all the manure any garden could handle, and lately we’ve had enough rain to float an Ark.

Now, if the ground would just dry up a little and the rain would stop for about a week, we’d be all set!

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Back Home Again…to regular old wordpress!

Good morning!  As many of you know, I recently moved my blog over to a private hosting company so that I could do more cool and fancy things with it.  It’s been about 2 months now, and even though I transferred my entire blog, it never would work exactly  right.  I found out that when people tried to go to the new blog, another blog, that wasn’t mine came up.

Having a wordpress blog hosted with a private hosting company has a lot of benefits, but they are negated if you are not pretty darn computer savvy.  I lack computer savvy big time.  There is very little help available either from wordpress or from my private host when issues come up.   Neither wants to get involved with the problems that arise and so that leaves a person pretty much on their own.

So….long story short, I’m reviving the old blog.  I was still getting lots of visitors every day….the new blog got very, very few.  I’m glad you all stuck around!

My next post will be all about what’s been going on around this place!

See you then!

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Post A Day

WordPress has jumped on the resolution wagon and challenged it’s users to sign up for either their “Post A Day” or their “Post A Week” challenge for the year 2011.  Normally, when I take on a challenge, such as eating green vegetables every day, or getting in bed by 10pm, I normally go in the extreme opposite direction and completely fail at my resolution.

So, knowing this is my habit, I went ahead and signed up for “Post A Day”.  You can probably rest assured that I will be posting less and less..which may be a good thing for me if you only use my posts to put you to sleep!

My last post, titled “Hunting Season Mayhem” got a lot of views and sparked a lot of conversation.  In the future, I want to get more comments from both sides of the issue.  I used to know a fellow who hunted with dogs and he was a nice guy in every other way:)  He’s passed on now, so I can’t ask him anything about it.  There are always two sides to every story and I’m interested to hear more from their side, so that is one issue I’ll be focusing on in 2011.

Another subject I’m interested in exploring is alternative healing, especially for horses because they are the main reason I get up in the morning:)  Over the years I’ve been learning a lot about Reiki and other energy healing methods, and have been in contact with a few practitioners and they were very inspiring.

We’re hoping to get started on the new barn this spring as well as the new fencing around the whole property.  The new barn plan includes two rehab stalls with rehab-friendly footing.  Caritas (my personal rehab horse)  will get one of the stall/paddock combos to try out.  That horse has taught me an awful lot that I hope will help me to help other horses.

The soap business is increasing and we’re looking for ways to make sure it keeps expanding….as well as working on products I can use for horses.

We’ll be kidding out SEVEN does this year, starting in February with the last three due on June 1 and 2!  Alicia had the first normal heat she’d had all season on Jan, 2 so I’m hoping she took…plus she got some drugs that might help out too!  Ciara and Holly both made the trip to NightSky Farm to visit a couple of bucks over there.  We tried “Bold Type” with Ciara, but he was just too big so luckily Jennifer had another yearling buck that was just her size and who she liked very much!  We got Holly bred to Bold Type and now I’m crossing my fingers that they all took!

I’d planned to sell two or three does this spring, but right now I don’t think I can part with any of them, so it looks like we’ll be having quite a bit of excess milk! I’d like to get a Jersey heifer to raise off of all that milk…..I’m tentatively looking for a bottle baby that’s had her colostrum.  I really do want a cow…I need more work to do around here!  🙂

Other than all those things, we’re still working on the house of course.  CG fixed two big holes in the living room wall last night that we’d covered with paper and blankets.  One of them had an outlet sticking out that wasn’t attached to anything and now it’s securely in the wall where it belongs.

He’ll be going back to school next week to expand his degree into the electrical realm, which should combine well with his degree in computer networking.  Plus we could use a lot of re-wiring around here!

What are your dreams, aspirations, plans for the coming year?  Post them here if you’d like.  I plan to re-run this post late Dec. 2011 and will include all non-psycho comments.

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Weekly Giveaway Contest is up and Running Again!

Check it out by clicking this link or clicking the tab at the top of the page.

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